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Internet Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Once you have selected a package site, please call an Internet Support representative. They will send you a checklist to help gather the required number of images and content pages needed to build the package site. You just gather your materials and Marathon will resize the images and build the site for you. If you are interested in a Custom Website, we can setup a consultation call.

What is a blog?

A blog is a frequently updated, personal website. With Marathon's blog service added to your website, you'll be able to present your most up-to-date studio news at the push of a button. Share your favorite photographs, announce your recent promotions, or share a story; it's all about making a connection between you and your favorite people: your clients!

How do I purchase a domain name?

Currently don't have a domain name? You can register your domain name through Marathon Press. Please click here and search for available domain names. Once you have found an available name, please go through the order process. If you have additional questions while going through the checkout process, please contact domain support at (480) 624-2500.

How do I manage my domain name and account?

Marathon has made a decision to use a Domain Name Registrar that gives our clients more domain name options for the same price. You should have received an email about managing your domain name or contact an account representative for more information.

With this new system, you can renew your domain name for additional years online anytime. Additionally, you may choose the "Auto Renew" option and change your payment method so that you don't have to worry about your domain name expiring in the future. At this time, Marathon did NOT select the Auto Renew option since it requires a selection for payment option for future billing.

Need additional support uploading images or changing images on your website?

Additional support on how to change gallery images, upload sessions, blog features, email marketing surveys, etc. Please visit our support website.

What is the difference between an HTML and Flash websites?

Most HTML websites are static web pages. However, some of the newer HTML designs created by our Marathon web designers use creative, technology-inspired ways to achieve the excitement often displayed by Flash websites but are more search engine friendly including the option to add music to the homepage only enhancing that “first-look.”

Flash websites are feature rich animated controls, along with the ability to play music throughout the site. This animation can be achieved when a website is built in frames.

Marathon offers a FREE Entry Page for both HTML and Flash websites that can contain important Internet-search keywords.

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